After 20 years of fully functional access to the Internet, China is opening its doors to the new era of "Cyber +", accelerating the integration of the World Wide Web into the traditional industry, stimulating the reinforcement of “New Normal” ideology, and thus escalating the network security to the national strategy level. However, with the development and application of cloud computing and IoT technology, IT infrastructure has changed profoundly, and the defense architecture of the traditional network security has become incompetent.Defense architecture oftraditional network security consists of closed hardware and software incorporated in gateway products. The tightly coupled security protection system and hardware platform firmly constrain security capability in various closed hardware systems like a "pupa in a cocoon", so that the security capability cannot be rapidly and flexibly deployed in different virtualization environments, hardware platforms and IoT hardware and thus it is difficult to respond to emerging security protection needs in the "Cyber+" age. Recently, security concern has become imperative for the innovation and development of cloud computing. Therefore, the security solutions soon need to be introduced keeping pace with the vitality of time. The Company spontaneously designed SPOS based on long-term technical accumulation and thorough study on customers' needs.

SPOS (Security Platform Operation System) is a next generation system kit to visualize network security, self-developed by ABT Networks, based on adaptive security architecture. It integrates abundant business modules such as firewall, VPN, intrusion prevention, App identification, virus filtering, flow control, behavior analysis, service visualization and security certification and so on; it can be flexibly deployed in hardware platforms such as X86, MIPS, ARM and “Chinese core. SPOS is dedicated to establishing a new ecology for collaborative network security, so that the professional product technology manufacturers, industry integrators, telecom operators, cloud service providers and other partners can rapidly customize our various network security hardware and software security function modules, to virtualize in cloud environment embedded with Apps.Henceforth, helping partner enterprises quickly integrate resources to respond to user’s demand creating greater business value.

High performance and in depth accumulation

  • Multiple front-line manufacturers take the lead in adopting NGFW on the basis of SPOS;

  • Its deep behavior engine architecture supports application-layer security features;

  • Thorough SPOS performance optimization, a single board performance exceeds 100G;


Integration and customization

  • SPOS is capable of integrating the basic products, including network devices, servers, etc;

  • SPOS is capable of integrating the practical business processes and Apps in various industries;

  • SPOS is able to make quick response to the solution customization needs of users;


Hardware riddance and virtualization

  • SPOS is independent to platforms, thus it can be transplanted to various software & hardware platforms;

  • SPOS can be implemented and deployed in various virtual machine environments;

  • It is capable of realizing security isolation and protection in cloud computing environment;

Cloud service

  • It is capable of migrating from hardware box capability to cloud realizing centralized deployment;

  • Multi-customers isolation and multiplex technology, made it easy to scale up and resist Apps changes;

  • SaaS (Software as a Service) mode enables services to be flexibly obtained as required on time;